Yes, I would! I miss the Printers Row Journal. I love the New York Times Book Review, and also subscribe to The Guardian's Bookmarks, but those have a different vibe.

Others have had some excellent ideas (I particular like Jennifer's suggestion of profiles of libraries and independent bookstores). You know what would be fun? Something like the NYTBR's "By the Book" column, but about readers, not authors.

If you're thinking of having a local focus, a listing of upcoming author/book events would be wonderful. PRJ had that, and it was very helpful.

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Yes, I would pay $5 a month. I was a subscriber to the Printers Row Journal and loved it. For content, I recommend book and author reviews, articles on the creative process used by writers to write a book (fiction, non-fiction, poems), what people are reading around the nation (and the world too as I find it fascinating as to the books being read outside the USA), profiles of independent bookstores (and what is being read by their customers). How about articles about libraries too and their readers? Information about how to self-publish would also be informative. I agree with Elizabeth - something unique and distinguishable.

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Absolutely would pay, and would pitch you as a writer!

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Absolutely would pay $5 and more. Would especially like to read articles on neglected and underappreciated books.

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Yes I would be interested in a subscription like this. Please consider it!

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Yes, I'm interested. I'd be interested in recommendations about recent literature in translation. Doesn't have to be the most high-falutin' books, but good and interesting reads that take us into another culture.

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All previous comments are great. I can only add that yes, of course, I would subscribe!

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I do so enjoy the Biblioracle. But yes, I remember having a whole section for books. I think I kept the section the whole week just to refer back. The one thing I truly miss is a brief summation of the books in the week's best sellers. How do I know if I would enjoy the book if it's not described? I do not enjoy graphic murders so there are some authors I stay away from and unfortunately they seem to rule the best seller list. I will read what I describe as Murder Light or Agatha Christie murder/mystery. Since I no longer have a book store close to my home, I don't order any of the best sellers over the internet.

At this point is it worth keeping the Tribune subscription? Not sure.

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Thank you for the biblioracle suggestion on 'People Park' - luckily already on my VAST un-read TBR shelves, so your oracling is spot on.

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I would pay $5. I'm interested in thinking about novels and nonfiction in context and knowing more about what people are reading beyond the best seller and indie next lists.

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Printers Row was my most favorite part of the Sunday paper. Can I just give you the money now?

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I would definitely pay for a new Printers Row. $5 a month would be a steal! I too am worried about what is happening at the Tribune. Your column, bibliooracle suggests, articles about authors and independent bookstores would be great. But anything book-related would spark my interest.

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Without a doubt I would pay for a New Printers Row . The reality of it would help my sadness over the loss of Mary Schmich and others and the changing newspaper in general.

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I subscribed to the Printers Row Journal and was very sorry to see it go. I would pay $5 a month to read your column- definitely a better value than what the Tribune is becoming. I’d love to see articles on new, lesser known authors, especially POC, or older overloooked authors like William Melvin Kelley, whom you recommended I read a couple of months ago

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Some of my musician and painter friends and acquaintances use Patreon as a way to fund their work. There are many levels of sponsorship. I don't know if Patreon would be appropriate for this situation, but it might!

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Oh, sigh. I would LOVE to pay $5/month to read your column, but circumstances do not permit at this time. I modestly suggest you look into the olive oil importing business.

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