I subscribed to the Printers Row Journal and was very sorry to see it go. I would pay $5 a month to read your column- definitely a better value than what the Tribune is becoming. I’d love to see articles on new, lesser known authors, especially POC, or older overloooked authors like William Melvin Kelley, whom you recommended I read a couple of months ago
I subscribed to the Printers Row Journal and was very sorry to see it go. I would pay $5 a month to read your column- definitely a better value than what the Tribune is becoming. I’d love to see articles on new, lesser known authors, especially POC, or older overloooked authors like William Melvin Kelley, whom you recommended I read a couple of months ago
I subscribed to the Printers Row Journal and was very sorry to see it go. I would pay $5 a month to read your column- definitely a better value than what the Tribune is becoming. I’d love to see articles on new, lesser known authors, especially POC, or older overloooked authors like William Melvin Kelley, whom you recommended I read a couple of months ago