Pachinko is so very, very good.

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Now I'm longing for a discussion on what those systemic changes might be...We're all so unsettled, we've lost faith in everything we thought we could trust. At this point all I've been able to do is hold on to my loved ones, brace and try to survive the storms around me, which means (for me) not looking too deeply at those storms because I can't handle the sense of hopelessness and rage. There's no visible path out. I guess what I want is a powerful, trustworthy parental figure, who can pat me on the back and tell me this is going to end, and that we'll find grace and happiness and understanding and forgiveness...I haven't gotten that sense of comfort from any figure/group in authority since the Obama era. Is there really a way out of this? Where can we even begin looking?

(Gosh, that wasn't where I expected to go on a Sunday morning. But I guess it's where I am every morning.)

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That craving for someone to make sense of everything is so strong. I wonder if the loss of those figures is a product of a genuine absence of them from public life, or if we simply know too much now, if those figures to the extent they existed were illusory. Or both, maybe? Either way, it's very unsettling. How to make sense of a place that feels unhinged?

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