Wow, this looks great and I love the idea of sister stories. Definitely putting The History of Sound on my TBR list. Thanks for the interview!

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I loved this review. Plotting my 11th-grade rural-boys'-boarding-school curriculum for the year, I got hungrier and hungrier for this book: Hey! We'll listen to Radiolab, learn together how to do a podcast, then do that story pair. Then we'll go into the woods and do another pair. Then we'll read Thoreau and write a pair ourselves. Then...suddenly time disappeared and I was writing a natural-world fiction in my mind myself. This was valuable just for the thought experiment(s!) that it provoked. Thank you.

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I just finished reading The History of Sound. I loved every minute of it! Such a great idea for a collection of short stories. Thanks for sharing this interview, which led me to pick up Shattuvk’s book.

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