Very worthwhile questions to wrestle with that resonate with me. Sometimes I do find myself outsourcing my opinion to people who have built up trust because I don't want to spend the time, or don't have the time to do the work myself. Some of that is inevitable, but when it's coming from those small bites of information, what does that d…
Very worthwhile questions to wrestle with that resonate with me. Sometimes I do find myself outsourcing my opinion to people who have built up trust because I don't want to spend the time, or don't have the time to do the work myself. Some of that is inevitable, but when it's coming from those small bites of information, what does that do to my capacity to think for myself over time? You've got me thinking that maybe some of it is the fact that we're bombarded with so much information now, and we're expected to have thoughts about so many things, we have to outsource some of it. Maybe it's okay to just be ignorant on some things, rather than having to find a way to take a position on everything? I don't know. You've made me think!
Very worthwhile questions to wrestle with that resonate with me. Sometimes I do find myself outsourcing my opinion to people who have built up trust because I don't want to spend the time, or don't have the time to do the work myself. Some of that is inevitable, but when it's coming from those small bites of information, what does that do to my capacity to think for myself over time? You've got me thinking that maybe some of it is the fact that we're bombarded with so much information now, and we're expected to have thoughts about so many things, we have to outsource some of it. Maybe it's okay to just be ignorant on some things, rather than having to find a way to take a position on everything? I don't know. You've made me think!