Welcome: Come for the Reading Recommendations
Also stay for the recommendations. That's pretty much the best part.
Thanks to the good folks at Substack featuring The Biblioracle Recommends in their “What to Read” feature, there has been a very exciting influx of new subscribers.
As “What to Read” makes clear, but I’m going to repeat anyway, The Biblioracle Recommends is an offshoot of a weekly column I’ve been writing for the Chicago Tribune for the last decade or so where the highlight is providing reading recommendations to people based on the five most recent books they’ve read.
(You can tell how long I’ve been doing the column by comparing the photo at the Tribune website with the one I provided to Substack and noticing the not-so-subtle age-related changes.)
I wanted to take a moment to encourage any new folks to take advantage of the service. If you’d like a reading recommendation, simply follow the instructions at this link.
If you’d like to see all the books I’ve recommended this year, you can access the list at my Bookshop.org bookshop. All affiliate income from purchases is donated to Open Books of Chicago, Illinois, a nonprofit dedicated to providing access to books for all children. Current affiliate income this year stands at $216.95. I’ve pledged to match all donations up to $300 at the end of the year. Please help me give away my money.
Have a happy Thanksgiving, and I’ll be seeing you in your inboxes on Sunday.
The Biblioracle