I will be honest, I was so nervous about turning on the paid subscription feature that I could not look at the newsletter dashboard or email for a good thirty-six hours after I sent the missive into the world.
Turning on subscriptions and taking anybody’s money meant that I had committed myself to continuing the newsletter for 2022, no matter the response, but prior to sending the post, I set a benchmark for continuing past 2022 and into 2023. That benchmark is $10,000 in annualized revenue, essentially $250/week.
I’m very excited to say that we’re over 70% of the way there already. Now, I’m well aware that the biggest surge of subscriptions will be in the beginning, but I’m hopeful that over the course of the next 11+ months, we can get to that $10,000.
Naturally, I also have plans if we exceed that amount. For example, at $15,000 I can start bringing in guest writers for two additional posts per month, more bang for everyone’s buck.
I also have a number at which I’m able to scale back some of my other paying work and dedicate more time to building this project, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
For now, just let me say thank you once again to all who have subscribed, and please know how grateful I am to have the support necessary to keep doing this.
(But even more support is of course appreciated.)
More importantly, the cupboard of requests for a reading recommendation is almost bare. If you want to know what to read next based on the last five books you’ve read, click the link below for the very simple, sufficiently detailed instructions.
Thanks again, and I’ll see you with the regular newsletter this weekend where my pleading for money will be very minimal.